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The Graduate Program in Linguistics (PPGL) promotes research and the technical and scientific development of human resources in Linguistics and related fields.

Created in 1971, it is the second graduate program to be established at UFSC, having been accredited by the Federal Council of Education in 1976, and reaccredited in 1981. The master’s degree program was reaccredited in 1993 and the project for the doctoral degree program was approved in 1987.

In the last evaluation by CAPES (Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), the PPGL has achieved grade 6 (out of 7) and it stands out as one of the country’s best programs in its field of knowledge. Its main strengths include cutting-edge research, social insertion, and excellent qualification conferred to its students. With 480 master’s dissertations and more then 110 doctoral theses defended until the end of 2011, the program also stands out for the immediate entry of its alumni into the job market. Most of them currently work in higher education, mainly in federal universities.

With regard to its social insertion, its experience in continuing education for teachers, in the National Program for Academic Cooperation (Procad), and in the Interinstitutional Master’s and Doctoral Degree projects (Minter and Dinter) is highlighted. All PPGLIN students take part in research projects within the program, many of them with international exchange partnerships in countries such as France, Canada, Germany, the United States, and others in Latin America.

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